Veterinarians have, in the clinic and in the field, all the imaging diagnostic tools (static and dynamic endoscopy, radiology) and respiratory samples.
Different examinations are possible:
- Fibroscopy of the upper and deep airways using an optical fiber. The nasal cavities, ethmoid, larynx, pharynx, guttural pouches and trachea can be visualized.
- Fibroscopy at work (dynamic respiratory scope; on-board endoscopy): on-board fibroscopy with live video visualization of respiratory tract reactions during exercise.
- Tracheal lavage: using the fiberscope or transcutaneously, a mucus sample or a tracheal lavage can be performed. This sample is then analyzed under the microscope to look at the proportions of cells, the presence of bacteria, pollen seeds, fungi, etc. A bacteriological and mycological culture can also be performed.
- Bronchoalveolar lavage: a lung wash is performed and the fluid is analyzed under the microscope. A cell count is performed. The presence of bacteria, seeds, pollen, fungi, etc. is confirmed or excluded. A bacteriological and mycological culture can also be performed.
- Pulmonary ultrasound: with the help of the ultrasound machine, the pulmonary pleura can be visualized.
- Chest X-ray: this examination can reveal pulmonary densifications (abscesses, tumors, etc.) as well as pneumothorax (air around the lung). This examination is always done in conjunction with a pulmonary ultrasound, as it is complementary to the latter.