THe clinique équine de Meslay-du-Maine is located in a strategic point of the French territory. The Mayenne is located in the center of the largest horse breeding ground in France, the Grand Ouest. Land of breeding and training, all the surrounding departments live to the rhythm of the hooves, whether the equids are racehorses, sport or leisure horses, but also ponies and donkeys.
A state-of-the-art clinic in the heart of the Mayenne region
The facilities of the Clinique équine de Meslay are unique in this region:
- 4 hospitalization buildings
- 13 hospitalization boxes, 4 of which are modular and reserved for foals
- 10 hospitalization boxes including a wing reserved for newborn foals
- 4 isolation boxes for contagious diseases
- 7 waiting stalls and 5 waiting boxes for consultations
- Video surveillance system of the boxes with remote control on cell phone and computer
- Digital radiography
- 10 portable devices
- a specific radiology room for the spine, back and lungs
- Ultrasound
- 1 portable/veterinary ultrasound machine for gynecological examinations
- 3 specific devices for the examination of tendons, abdomen, lung, heart, eye…
- Video endoscopy
- 1 endoscopic column
- 10 portable endoscopes
- 1 pediatric endoscope
- 1 on-board endoscopy system
- 1 gastroscope (complete examination of the stomach)
- Analysis laboratory: hematology, biochemistry
- At the clinic: it works 24 hours a day. Blood tests are performed on site with equipment specially calibrated for horses
- Embedded PCR method: detection of piroplasmosis, anaplasmosis, Lyme, respiratory pathologies (herpes, rhino-pneumonia, Influenza (flu), streptococcus (strangles). Results in 20 minutes.
- Possibility of rapid analysis with our
- Surgery:
- Arthroscope
- Osteosynthesis (screwing)
- Coelioscope
- Shock wave apparatus
- Advanced treatment techniques for tendon and osteoarticular pathologies
- IRAP System
- Stem cells
- Dentistry: Horse Dental Equipment (Made in France)
- Ophthalmology: direct and indirect ophthalmoscope, slit lamp and ocular tensiometer
Equine expertise developed since the 1980s
The Equine Clinic was created at the beginning of the 80s on the central square of the village of Meslay-du-Maine. The founders, Drs. Geslin & Dutertre, were among the first – and rare – veterinarians with an exclusive equine activity.
The increase in the number of patients required the growth of veterinarians within the facility and led to the necessary expansion and relocation in 1992. On the site of “La Tannerie” were built the foundations of the current clinic: the latest technology, hospitalization and surgeries.
In February 2012, the clinic moved to its current location to meet the growing demands on hospitalization and surgery. Located near the Meslay-du-Maine racetrack, the equine clinic perpetuates the values of requirement and innovation of its founders.